Epiphany of flower and bird paintings in Tashiir of Timurid Period

Document Type : تاریخ هنر خراسان بزرگ


1 Master student of handicrafts, Applied Art. Tehran University of Art, Iran.

2 Associate Professor .Faculty of Applied art , Tehran University of Art


In the Timurid period, "Tashiir" was formed on the margins of books and "Murraqa" was created. The present study is based on descriptive-analytical method Tries to answer the questions of how the painting of flowers and birds as one of the subjects of Tashiir in the margins of murraqa was considered as the main subject of the Painters, And How can the effect of flower and bird painting in China on Iranian flower and bird painting, especially in the Timurid period, be explained?The findings, based on visual analysis of the paintings, indicate that the aficionado nature of the Timurid rulers and the treasures full of gold and the desire for luxury, enabled the formation of murraqa for the Timurid princes so that artists could use freely take gold from paintings that were ‘Halkari’ (dissolved Gold) with themes Was "Struggling" and Tashiir It was read. One of the Favorit topics by the artists in the design of Tashir in the Murraqa was "Flowers and Bird", which consists of two The perspective can be examined, firstly, the desire for realism in the design of these Tashiir which led the artists to objective subjects, and secondly, due to the arrival of Chinese works of art, Herat artists were influenced by the naturalistic style of Song and Ming. Most of the information in this study is completed by the four sites in the Topkapi Palace Museum in Istanbul and the Diez album in the Berlin Museum.


Main Subjects

فهرست منابع
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