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A quantitative and qualitative study of using Persian language in architectural inscriptions of Timurid era

A quantitative and qualitative study of using Persian language in architectural inscriptions of Timurid era

Document Type : تاریخ هنر خراسان بزرگ


1 Professor, Department of Art Research, Faculty of Theoretical Sciences and Higher Art Studies, University of Arts, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Art Philosophy, Faculty of Theoretical Sciences and Higher Art Studies, University of Arts, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD student in Comparative and Analytical History of Islamic Art, University of Arts and a member of the faculty of the Department of Handicrafts, Faculty of Arts, Bojnourd University, Iran


Timurid were well aware of natural values and capabilities of Persian language and have widely used it in their architectural inscriptions. These inscriptions not only were make the possibility of rulers getting close to their subjects, but also shows deep semantic implications associated with the structure and coordinates of Persian language and literature. In order to reach to a thorough knowledge in these regards we should discover that; what is the quality and quantity of Persian language in Timurid architectural inscriptions? Therefore, the purpose of the study is having a quantitative and qualitative study of the contents of Persian inscriptions in the Timurid era and finding the possible effects of Persian literature and the Timurid policies. The study method was historical, data was collecting from libraries and fieldwork, and the evaluation and analysis method is a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. The most important findings indicate the importance of Persian language and literature with the Timurid kings has led to the growing of Persian inscriptions in the building of this period. Using these inscriptions in Khorasan buildings has been more than the other parts of the Timurid era. Most Persian inscriptions were verse and the wisdom and constructive subjects were the dominant themes in them. The content of other texts were made of mysticism, eulogy to kings and building structure, rulers’ orders, waqf, blessing and Shiism. Among these, the importance of eulogy to the building structure shows that it was affected by architectural growth in this era. A reflection of quality of Persian literature of the era is available in the inscription, such as the techniques of riddle and chronogram that can be seen in the contents of the inscriptions and their formal composition.


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