111 Journal of Greater Khorasan

Journal of Great Khorasan

 ISO Abbreviation: JGK

Publisher: Imam Reza International University (AS)

Supported by: Architecture and Urban Planning Research Center of Imam Reza University (AS)

peer review: Double –Blind peer review | At least two reviewers for each article

Frequency: print (limited) and electronic

language: Farsi with Extended English translation

Place of publication: Islamic Republic of Iran, Mashhad

Publication date: Quarterly

Specialized area: Civilizational geography of Greater Khorasan

Replication rates: 20%

The cost of submitting, refereeing and publishing the article: Yes

Initial review time: maximum 10 days

Average arbitration time: 3 months (12 weeks)

Acceptance rate: 41%

Geographical territory: Iran (Khorasan) | Afghanistan |Pakistan | Turkmenistan | Tajikistan | Uzbekistan | Kyrgyzstan

Year of publication: 2009

Licensed to publish from: Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance of Iran

Rank in MSRT (2022): B

 Access Policy: Free (full text)

Impact coefficient in Islamic world sciences citation database: 0.059

Indexed by: Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC)| Magiran | Noormags | Academic Jihad Scientific Information Center (SID) | Google Scholar | Academia | Researchgate.


Processing Fees: According to the "Regulation for Determining the Processing Fees of Articles in Open Access Scientific Journals" approved by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology on 2021/04/20, 50% of the approved processing fees (including peer review, editing, formatting, and publishing) equivalent to 1,750,000 Rials "after the completion of peer review and issuance of the final acceptance certificate" will be received from the authors, and the remaining 50% equivalent to 1,750,000 Rials, "after the preparation and before the official publication of the article".

By the decision of the Research Council of Imam Reza International University, all processing and publication fees for articles with non-Iranian authors' organizational affiliation are free of charge.

 Greater Khorasan Research Journal is an open access electronic journal and does not receive any fees from the audience for subscribing to the journal.

Current Issue: Volume 14, Issue 53, March 2024, Pages 1-123 

Publication Information

Indexing and Abstracting

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