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Investigation of the Environment of Southeastern Iran and Neighboring areas in the Bronze Age Based on Archeological Data

Investigation of the Environment of Southeastern Iran and Neighboring areas in the Bronze Age Based on Archeological Data

Document Type : تاریخ هنر خراسان بزرگ


1 PhD Degree, Department of Archeology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Iran

2 PhD Student, Department of Archeology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Mohaghegh Ardabil University, Iran


Unquestionably, all human cultural activities are formed in the background of geography and environment. In human and biological ecology, theoretical concepts are often used to describe, interpret, and estimate relationships, and interactions between humans and the environment are executed utilizing comprehensive transformational and methodological environments. This point of view emphasizes cultural behavior in both natural and social environment. However, despite numerous archeological studies in the southeastern region of Iran and neighboring areas, thus far, no comprehensive studies have been conducted on the scientific changes of the Bronze Age. In this study, the aim is to reconstruct the environmental situation of the region in the Bronze Age. Attempt has been made by analytical methods based on evidence of artificial irrigation near the river strips as well as designs of seals, pottery, statues, bone remnants that is abundant as well as the results of archeological plant analysis which archeologists have reached the minimum to show the environment of the region in the Bronze Age. Such as argumentative process for the reconstruction of the region, in turn, seems absolutely necessary. Finally, based on archeological evidence and analysis, it appears that in the Bronze Age, favorable environmental and climatic conditions have prevailed in the investigated areas. In can be concluded from the analysis of the findings that the accumulation of sediments in delta and change in their bed, the frequency of drought and humidity, unfavorable climate, very little rainfall, lack of aquifers, and strong winds have caused drought and crop failure. The destruction of fields and forced irrigation are among the reasons for the destruction of civilization and this area.


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