The presence of color in expresses the importance of the levels and views in architecture

Document Type : تاریخ هنر خراسان بزرگ


Color is one of the fastest ways of conveying messages and meanings. Iranian architecture, from the color of the most important visual element, has always benefited. Timurid architecture can be seen as a symbol of various colors that are used in different ways. Turquoise and azure have been used in most of Moaghali the next to and in contrast with brick color by architects in Timurid period. The main question now is, what is the relationship between the importance views and the color ratio used in each views?
The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the relationship between the amount of color space used and the location of the architectural view in Qhyasyeh of Khargerd School
It seems that the use of color and its area is dependent on the importance and the location in the decorations. In other words whatever the surface has been more visible, more important and became more decoration. As a result, the amount of surface colored tile to brick background color was more increased. In this study, Moaghales in around of Qhyasyeh of Khargerd School were tested. In this situation the area of each color is measured and computed by counting Pixels of Image that redesign by the computer.
Method is Laboratory research which will base on the results of quantitative measurements. This does with redesigned on the original designs and counting pixels in each surface of color is calculated by existing graphical software. Research population includes all Moaghali designs. Which is located at the periphery of Qhyasyeh of Khargerd School?
The results show that the increase of color levels compared to the bricks of the field has a direct relationship with increasing importance of the facade. For example: the presence of color in the main entrance that became more decorative than other views. The Qibla view is ranked second , and the eastern and western sides of the building have used the least amount of color.